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Let’s Defend Humanity: The best creature of THE GOD we respect, MEN and WEMAN | CISNewsStudio1s
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Let’s Defend Humanity! THE GOD Created 2 genders! We respect and in practices the antiques THE GOD made a part of all of us. We are a the best creature of THE GOD we respect, MAN and WOMAN. Help the humanity with #CISNewsStudio1s #safehumanity
Mr. Donald Trump’s speech: Let’s Help sustaining Humanity before details please subscribe and share our CIS news Studio 1s channel
we’re going to end the free reign of violent criminals and Democrat run cities and keep dangerous repeat offenders locked up in jail where they belong we’re going to stop the left-wing radical racists and perverts who are trying to indoctrinate our youth and we’re going to get their Marxist hands off of our [Music] children we’re going to defeat the cult of gender ideology and reaffirm that God created two genders called men and
women we’re not going to allow men to play in women’s sports and by so doing you know what happens we’re going to save the Dignity of women and we’re going to save women’s sports itself it’s ridiculous.
#LetsDefendHumanity #Thebestcreature #ofTHEGOD #werespect #MENandWEMAN #CISNewsStudio1s