British Safety Adviser for Reuters Killed in Russian Strike on Ukraine Hotel | CISNewsStudio1s

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British Safety Adviser for Reuters Killed in Russian Strike on Ukraine Hotel | CISNewsStudio1s

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A British safety adviser for Reuters, Ryan Evans, was killed, and two journalists were injured when a Russian strike targeted the Hotel Sapphire in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, on Saturday night. Evans, a 38-year-old British citizen, was part of a six-person Reuters crew covering the war in Ukraine.
By a statement on Sunday, the news agency expressed its condolences, stating, “We are urgently seeking more information about the attack, including by working with the authorities in Kramatorsk, and we are supporting our colleagues and their families. We send our deepest condolences and thoughts to Ryan’s family and loved ones. Ryan has helped so many of our journalists cover events around the world; we will miss him terribly.”
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