President of the United States Mr. Donald Trump in the World Economic Forum | #CISNewsStudio1s

President of the United States Mr. Donald Trump in the World Economic Forum | #CISNewsStudio1s

President of the United States Mr. Donald Trump in the World Economic Forum | #CISNewsStudio1s

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Mr. President hello what great honor what great honor and pleasure to welcome you back to Z Davos Community Just 4 days into your new mandate we highly appreciate your presence with us today we wish you all the best as you take on your critical work ahead the global challenges we face today today are Monumental the importance of American leadership and your personal leadership in this regard is fundamental and Paramount

we are here to hear your mission and policies related to revitalizing the economy and addressing the global challenges as you might expect Mr President you return to office and your forthcoming policies have been at the focus of our discussions this week so discussions among 3,000 political and Business Leaders from over 130 countries who came together here in DS we look forward hearing first from you and S to the followup discussion with Business Leaders moderated by my colleague ber brend ladies and gentlemen the president of United States Donald J Trump well thank you very much Claus and hello to everyone in beautiful Davos this has been a truly historic week in the United States three days days ago I took the oath of office and we began the Golden Age of America the recent presidential election was won by millions of votes and all seven every one of them

all seven swing States it was a massive mandate from the American people like hasn’t been seen in many years and some of the political pundits even some of my so-called enemies said it was the most consequential election victory in 129 years that’s quite nice what the world has witnessed in the past 72 hours is nothing less than a revolution of Common Sense our country will soon be stronger wealthier and more united than ever before and the entire planet will be more peaceful and prosperous as a result of this incredible momentum and what we’re doing and going to do my Administration is acting with unprecedented speed to fix the disasters we’ve inherited from a totally inept group of people and to solve every single crisis facing our country this begins with confronting the economic chaos caused by the failed policies of the last Administration over the past four years our government racked up 8 trillion and wasteful deficit spending and inflicted

Nation wrecking energy restrictions crippling regulations and hidden taxes like never before the result is the worst inflation crisis in modern history and Skyhigh interest rates for our citizens and even throughout the world food prices and the price of almost every other thing known to mankind went through the roof President Biden totally lost control of what was going on in our country but in particular with our high inflation economy and at our border because of these ruinous policies total government spending this year is $1.5 trillion higher than was projected to occur when I left office just four years ago likewise the cost of servicing the debt is more than …..

#PresidentofUnitedStates #MrDonaldTrump #intheWorldEconomicForum #CISNewsStudio1s


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