US Denies CIA Plot to Assassinate Venezuela’s Maduro After Arrests | CISNewsStudio1s

US Denies CIA Plot to Assassinate Venezuela’s Maduro After Arrests | CISNewsStudio1s

US Denies CIA Plot to Assassinate Venezuela’s Maduro After Arrests | CISNewsStudio1s

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The U.S. State Department has firmly rejected allegations of CIA involvement in an alleged plot to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. This denial came after Venezuelan authorities arrested six foreigners, including a U.S. Navy SEAL, accusing them of being part of the scheme.

In a statement, the State Department called the claims “categorically false,” reiterating that the U.S. continues to support a democratic solution to Venezuela’s political crisis. Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello alleged that the plot, led by the CIA, was designed to eliminate Maduro.

The accusations emerge amid continued refusal by the U.S., Venezuela’s opposition, and multiple Latin American leaders to recognize Maduro’s contested election victory, which has been followed by mass protests and thousands of arrests.

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